Maker Education

Course details

Technological education is an important component in modern education.
Technological development, scientific and technical progress, computerization require a special attention to technological education. When dealing with education, it is vital that we should keep up with the new types of education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
The technology is evolving in a very fast way and consequently all us have to deal with the new technologies, to have practical skills for find a job.
Each school, teacher, student and parent must contribute to:
-develop their local community;
-develop entrepreneurship;
-find financing solutions to purchase modern equipment and teaching materials which can keep up with the new technology;
-make people acquire new competences required on the labor market.
We all must contribute to our personal and professional development, to their social inclusion and to finding a job after their high school graduation.

Course Benefits

Initial and ongoing professional development of VET teachers, adults, trainers and mentors in experiential work environments, mixing theory and practice, will develop the quality of education and vocational training.
The course will focus on:
1.Creativity and culture – making traditional products specific to each country using science and new technologies
2.ICT-new technologies – practical applications from STEM, Electronics, Robotics, Automation, the Internet of Things
3.Social entrepreneurship/social innovation – finding solutions at local, national and European level level in order to evaluate the value of the products they have made and the knowledge they have acquired within the course through the social and professional integration of participants.
4.Environment protection

Course Objectives

Technological development a education to have well trained people, capable of mastering and effective explore new technologies.
Specific objectives:
-to develop the technical and scientific spirit of research
-to develop creative and innovative skills
-to provide technical and practical training
-to be aware of new technical jobs for a future job

Course Programme

1ST Day 1.Craft Education
1.1.Manual woodworking as a craft
1.2.Pyrography in wood
1.3.Automation of wood processing
1.4.Building a house from wood
2ND Day 2.Dream house
2.1.- 2D design of the house plan
2.2.- 3D design of the house using free educational software
3RD Day 3.Green energy
3.1.Solar energy
3.2.Photovoltaic panels
3.3.Powering the house created using green energy
4TH Day 4.Home automation using Arduino sensors
4.1.House lighting
4.2.Opening/closing doors and windows
4.3.Measuring the temperature or humidity in the house
5TH Day 5.Publishing and promoting the creative recycling
5.1.From offline to online
5.2.Home decoration from recyclable materials
5.3.Finding local entrepreneurship solutions using the acquired notions
5.4.Sharing the ideas

Course evaluation, feedback and discussion
Certificate Ceremony