Educational projects

  • Parteneriat pentru Ocupare 2.0
    Program gratuit de dezvoltare organizațională pentru ONG-uri din domeniul ocupării și formării.
    Proiectul include cursuri acreditate, mentorat, sprijin pentru digitalizare, vizite de studiu în străinătate și o comunitate activă.
  • Eveniment: Arta prelucrării lemnului
  • Academie locala Cisco

    Cisco Systems is a world leader in the field of computer networks, it has developed a training program in the field of interconnection of computer systems, a program called the Cisco Networking Academy Program.

    Local academies train pupils, students, adults using Cisco curriculum, documentation, assessment system and its partners.

    Cisco Systems este lider mondial in domeniul retelelor de calculatoare, a dezvoltat un program de instruire in domeniul interconectarii sistemelor informatice, program numit Cisco Networking Academy Program.

    Academiile locale formeaza elevi, studenti, adulti folosind programa, documentatia, sistemul de evaluare Cisco si al partenerilor acestuia.

  • Sprijin pentru educatia digitala (Support for digital education)
  • European Researchers' Night, 2023 - Local organizer
    European Researchers' Night is part of Marie Sklodowska -Curie series of events, which aims to show the public what being a researcher means and how interesting the research work can be.
  • European Researchers' Night, 2022 - Local organizer
    European Researchers' Night is part of Marie Sklodowska -Curie series of events, which aims to show the public what being a researcher means and how interesting the research work can be.
  • Authorized Certiport Testing Center
    Within the Certiport Authorized Testing Center, no. 90088406, you can take the exams to obtain the IC3 (Global Standard 5) certification, an internationally recognized certification. To obtain the certification, it is necessary to pass the 3 certification exams:
    -Exam 1 - Basics of computer use (45 questions, 50 minutes)
    -Exam 2 - Key Applications (45 questions, 50 minutes)
    -Exam 3 - Online activities (45 questions, 50 minutes)
    IC3 Global Standard 5 is equivalent to the digital skills exam at the Baccalaureate according to OMENCS 3682/2016.
    Starting from June 2020, teachers who obtain IC3 certification acquire 15 CPT transferable professional credits according to OMEC.